Cop to keep videos off youtube
Cop Admits To Playing Copyrighted Music Through Squad …
Cop Admits To Playing Copyrighted Music Through Squad Car PA To Keep Videos Off YouTube
11.04.2022 — Cop Admits To Playing Copyrighted Music Through Squad Car PA To Keep Videos Off YouTube. “You chose to use our taxpayer dollars to …
“You chose to use our taxpayer dollars to disrespect a man with your music. That’s childish, sir”
Cop tried to use a Taylor Swift song to keep protestor video off …
01.07.2021 — A California police officer tried to use a Taylor Swift song to prevent a BLM protestor video from being shared online..
Cop Admits to Playing Copyrighted Music to Keep Activist …
Cop Admits to Playing Copyrighted Music to Keep Activist Recording off Youtube
02.07.2021 — The move is apparently not due to the power of Swift’s emotional and infectious melodies, but the power of copyrighted music to prevent a video …
During a recorded conversation with activists, an officer began backing the conversation with the sounds of Taylor Swift.
Cops are playing music during filmed encounters to game …
Cops are playing music during filmed encounters to game YouTube’s copyright striking | Mashable
01.07.2021 — But will it work? … The police are attempting to use YouTube’s stringent copyright system to keep people from posting recordings of encounters …
But will it work?
Police Play Disney Songs To Keep Citizen Recordings Off …
Police Play Disney Songs To Keep Citizen Recordings Off YouTube
13.04.2022 — A Santa Ana police officer is the latest official to use YouTube’s copyright infringement algorithm as a means to evade accountability.
A Santa Ana police officer is the latest official to use YouTube’s copyright infringement algorithm as a means to evade accountability.
Santa Ana police under investigation for playing Disney songs …
Santa Ana police under investigation for playing Disney songs in bystander video – The Washington Post
12.04.2022 — Police in Santa Ana, Calif., were playing Disney songs loudly at night in an … attempt to keep a video of them from being uploaded to YouTube.
Police in Santa Ana, Calif., were playing Disney songs loudly at night in an apparent attempt to keep a video of them from being uploaded to YouTube.
The Vigilant Citizen: Everyday Policing and Insecurity in Miami
The Vigilant Citizen: Everyday Policing and Insecurity in Miami – Thijs Jeursen – Google Books
13.11.2014 — A YouTube channel has been surfacing police body-cam footage. … These videos are provided by police departments in Washington State via …
How the problematic behavior of private citizens—and not just the police force itself—contributes to the perpetuation of police brutality and institutional racism“Warning: Neighborhood Watch Program in Force. If I don’t call the police, my neighbor will!”Signs like this can be found affixed to telephone poles on streets throughout the US, warning trespassers that the community is an active participant in its own policing efforts. Thijs Jeursen calls this phenomenon, in which individuals take on the responsibility of defending themselves and share with the police the duty to mitigate everyday insecurity, “vigilant citizenship.”Drawing on eleven months of fieldwork in Miami and sharing the stories and experiences of police officers, private security guards, neighborhood watch groups, civil society organizations, and a broad range of residents and activists, Jeursen uses the lens of vigilant citizenship to extend the analysis of police brutality beyond police encounters, focusing on the often blurred boundaries between policing actors and policed citizens and highlighting the many ways in which policing produces and perpetuates inequality and injustice. As a central premise in everyday policing, vigilant citizenship frames racist and violent policing as matters of personal blame and individual guilt, ultimately downplaying the realities of how systemically race operates in policing and US society more broadly. The Vigilant Citizen illustrates how a focus on individualized responsibility for security exacerbates and legitimizes existing inequalities, a situation that must be addressed to end institutionalized racism in politics and the justice system.
YouTube channel swamps police with requests for disclosure …
11.04.2019 — More videos on YouTube … One of the most popular police humor channels run by an officer, Mike the Cop is arguably one of the pioneers of …
10 great YouTube channels for cops – Police1
10 great YouTube channels for cops
Here’s some of the best YouTube content geared toward police officers
Keywords: cop to keep videos off youtube